Obesity and Bariatric Surgery

Understanding Obesity In many ways, obesity is a puzzling disease. How the body regulates weight and body fat is not well understood.
Obesity and Health Problems Obesity puts you at risk for other health conditions, from type 2 diabetes to sleep apnea and gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Treating Obesity Weight loss is the goal in obesity treatment. Your treatment depends on your age, health, medical history - and how much weight you need to lose.
Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery should be used only in select cases. These are major surgeries that involve bypassing a part of the small bowel.
Lifestyle Changes Cutting back on calories and fat and starting an exercise program are two proven methods to successful weight loss.
Children and Obesity More than 9 million children between the ages of 6 and 19 are overweight. And a teen who is overweight or obese is likely to remain so as an adult.