Older Adults
Older Adults
Getting Started
Living Well, Living Longer As people live longer thanks to improved medical care, many are fortunate to survive into old age with less chronic illness and disability.
Eating Well, Staying Fit A healthy diet and regular exercise are the cornerstones to good health. Both can help ward off a host of health problems, from obesity to cancer.
Prevention, Self-Care, and Safety Getting regular checkups and screening tests are important to staying healthy. Take good care of yourself - you deserve it.
Using Medications Take medications exactly as stated on the label or as your doctor tells you to, and use extra caution when taking more than one drug at a time.
Health Concerns: Head to Toe From vision and hearing problems to heart disease and cancer, here's a look at common medical issues that older adults can face.
Long-Term Planning Long-term-care services may be provided in the home of the person who needs it, a family member's home, or an assisted-living facility, hospice, or nursing home.
For the Caregiver Caring for an ill, aging, or disabled person can be a rewarding experience. Depending on the level of care required, however, it can also become an overwhelming responsibility.
Home Health and Hospice Care Home health care is not an option for everyone. Generally, the person receiving care or treatment at home must be well enough to be cared for in the home setting.
Medicare Part D A lot of seniors feel puzzled by the new Medicare prescription drug program.